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The gospel is the “good news” which we teach. It is "good news" because it contains the wonderful message of God’s redemption of those who believe. The substitutionary death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ, makes our redemption possible. The gospel is at the very heart and centrality of Christian preaching.


We encourage you to hear the good news and avail yourself of the sacrificial giving which reconciles us to God. That's got to be good news!

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Living In The Favour Of God

The goal isn't to live forever, but to leave something that does!.


The prodigal son took from his father and squandered his inheritance, which led him to appreciate what riches he once had at his disposal. We too, can live within the confides of the favour of God and yet never fully appreciate it. 


When God builds, He builds specifically and with an inheritance in mind. Living in the favour of God, begins with the revelation of how God perceives us and how we perceive ourselves. Son or Servant? The difference is motive!  



Living In The Favour Of God #2

All we have is found in the finished work of Calvary. One cannot "take authority" for authority is given. We either have it or we don't. As we saw last week Peters revelation of who Jesus is, was the foundation stone one which we (the church) stands.


Hebrews 4:1 assures us the promise to our forefathers still stands for us today. It hasn't been "updated or modified like some software package." The promise still stands for those living in obedience to it.


Entering the rest which many fail (and have failed) to enter, requires not only obedience but a revelation of who we are in Christ - Sons and heirs of promise! 



Monthly Prayer And Fasting



FRIday 31

What a POWERFUL month we have had with amazing breakthroughs, salvation's healing's, vision ownership with a week of prayer and fasting which concluded with some powerful testimonies of personal revelation of Gods love. His miraculous provision and an emphatic presence of unity and one-ness and such heartfelt worship, which brought a tangible presence of God. Many people just wanted the fast to continue. Our desire to be a church OF prayer rather than a church which HAS prayer, makes it a priority for our church. 

UPCOMING events IN 2024:

Foundations groups are based on good coffee, sensational company and practical discussion around some key topics. You don't have to be a "New Christian", but 180 is the starting point in our personal development programme.


Initially, joining a new church can be quite daunting, so 180 is a great place to connect and make friends. By providing a warm and friendly environment, your'e on your way to making great friends and building a solid foundation to your faith. For more information watch the video 


180 has a great team of people who can meet with you personally and answer any questions you may have. Held each Wednesday evening from 7:30-9:00 pm, in various homes around Auckland. Download the brochure and join. 



Each Sunday morning, (prior to our morning service which commences at 10 am), a team of people meet in the green room to pray. (9:20-9:45 am) If you have a passion to pray for our vision to reach others with the gospel; uphold our team and see God's favour in our meetings, feel free to join us.


As many of  us are studying  on Thursdays, it's a great opportunity to take advantage of the evening and combine our monthly prayer with the teaching and training group. 

Prayer must accompany our actions. There are many benefits in prayer, however; it is a spiritual discipline essential for personal growth.

Join our growth track which follows our vision process:

Know God Find Freedom Discover Purpose Make a Difference.

Fill in a card to find out more.

pilot food bag project


events in 2024

This year is a year unlike any other we have lived. Of course each year is unlike any other, but 2024 is a year with different challenges and yet the same opportunities also.


We enter into this year with the same vision as we have in previous years.


To know God is the starting point for a fruitful and mature life.

To find freedom this is an ongoing process of the application of truth.

To discover purpose is the application of truth in all areas of life.

To make a difference where the rubber meets the road!


We are all for a "progressive vison", but not at the expense of our core mission as believers:


To comfort those who know Christ and to declare Him to those who don't.


This year we will intentionally seek to apply these principles in all that we do as a church. Why not join us in 2024?

What is the Flourish course?
Psalm 92:13-14 Planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God. 14 In old age they will still bear fruit; healthy and green they will remain.


This year we have been focusing on the aspect of SPIRITUAL maturity. All too often, we neglect our personal growth as we are at times engulfed with the issues of life. One only needs to miss out on exercise for a week, or a month, to be back at square one, and have to start with the basics.


It is more sever than that in our spiritual growth, as for some; getting back into the game is no longer an option. The Apostles went to great lengths to establish teaching (doctrine which if lived by) will ensure we not only grow, but flourish. 


Within this group, we will highlight some important keys to ensure we are continually growing throughout our life-time. Each week we will present scripture and then have a round table of discussion, to appropriate the truths within it.


Topics include:


  •       The importance of being planted in God

  •       The key marks of spiritual maturity

  •       Surviving or Flourishing

  •       The importance of working on our foundations

  •       Spiritual Inventory

  •       What can we learn from The book of Revelation today?


Held in a small group setting, our goal is to build relationship, whilst providing an environment to share and grow together, therefore the number will be limited to those with a keen desire to grow and commit to one another.   


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Abraham was as good as dead. YET...

Vision 2024 and Beyond


Many people equate "VISION" with being something huge or dramatic. It conjures up some heavy spiritual dimension only given to the few. In fact vision is something within us all to some degree or other. It takes vision to raise a family Gods way. It takes vision to prioritise our year. It takes vision to not get bogged down with the mundane demands of life.


Vision is simply "a preferable future". "A point to head towards". "An inner motivation which empowers our day to day activities". Vision may get lost in the humdrum of life. Vision my be diverted or misdirected over time, which is why we all need to revisit again our effectiveness in living with vision.

The dangers ahead

William Booth, the founder of the "SALVATION ARMY" Christian Missionary corps, was a great influence in taking the gospel into the community; and in doing so impacted many British officials and parliamentarians of his day. At the cusp of 1900's, he was asked what dangers the country and church would face in the coming decade? This was his response:


“The chief danger that confronts the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, heaven without hell.”

William Booth 1829 -1912

We WILL enter 2024, hopeful yet considered. Last year was an unusually difficult time in many ways for many people, but not for God. Challenges come in life at many times, and for many reasons, and not all of those challenges are negative. God has not been blind-sided by world events and His is not looking for a plan "B". 


"2024 is a time FOCUS ON GODS WORD" and we encourage you to consider how you can invest into the vision of Eden by investing Gods word into your life and the community around us.


Our teaching will centre on developing godly practices required by Gods word, in three key areas:


1. Head - How should I think differently by renewal.

2. Heart - What affections, focus, or changes should I make

3. Hands - What is God requiring in my daily routine.


"We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing"

(2 Thessalonians 1:3)


As followers of Christ, we have a personal responsibility to grow in faith and maturity, which leads to being an effective witness and a living a fruitful life.


In 1 Peter 2:2-3 we read, "Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation—if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good."


If indeed we have tasted that the Lord is good. Growth and maturity are commanded of us, but we must first learn the essentials which lead us to becoming mature.


To grow in faith involves growing in God's Word and its application. Growing in faith requires us to perform acts consistent with godly behaviour (obedience)


Join us on our growth path.


Wanting to invest financially? We provide several ways:


Online INVESTMENT ASB 12-3016-0640532:02

On the day        Offering bowlPledge card & EFTPOS

Via Mail             P.O. Box  163105 Lynfield 1443

Electronically    On site via EFTPOS



Ephesians 6:10:  “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.


Apostle Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus was a complete instructional on who we are as believer's and how we should live as a result of that belief. The most referenced part of his letter is focused on spiritual warfare; however that comes at the end of his comprehensive instructions on WHO we are in Christ and HOW we should live in Christ.


In this series we will take a walk through Ephesians and ask four significant questions in relation to Paul's final exhortation in chapter 6:


1. What – are we fighting?

2. Who – are we fighting?

3. Why - are we fighting?

4. How – do we fight?



Any one who has been in education, knows full well that repetition is a key tool in learning. From those Halcion   days of learning times tables, to swatting for exams; its a tried and tested method of remembering. Which shouldn't surprise us when we heed Jesus and the Apostles teaching regarding the importance of remembering sound doctrine. The Apostle Peter verifies this in 2 Peter 1:12 "Therefore I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are established in the truth you now have". 

Paul likewise in most of his letters takes his readers back to this important key which ensures our maturity.


There is something unappealing about the basics. It somehow infers a lesser value, or that we are not yet off our training wheels, and yet the basics are the foundation on which our faith is built. Hebrews 6:1-2.


I, just like the Apostles; fully appreciate the need to NOT neglect the basics of our faith, but to BUILD maturity upon them. I make NO apology for this series: "Back To Basics".


We commenced the series in August and will continue through September as we "Get Back to Basics".

other events coming up: 
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Growth Groups:

Focus Groups

Living Essentials

Kingdom Life

Rock Solid

Pastoral Care




This twelve week course forms part of our ongoing training for the Eden family. This course has been a foundational study that we have provided over the past eight years or so. Interested? Then speak to one of the team.


Our Eden Kids programme follows a balanced programme of worship, word and wholesome activities that build godly character and purposeful living.

We encourage our people to Pray and fast during the first THURSDAY of each month.

Also join us at  9:20 am - 9:50 am wherever you find yourself on that day.

 Please join us in seeking Gods favour and direction.

Prayer & Fasting 


Vision Partners

Prayer Points:

G610 - Community connection

Salvation - Keep them coming

Favour - With God and Man

Presence - God's enabling

Resources - To enable vision

Revelation - Clear direction

Team - Knit together in unity

Release - Workers in our vision

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